Sunday, October 11, 2009
Always waiting...
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Text of Nate's speeches from graduation
Let us raise our hearts and minds
to the Wisdom
that is beyond all knowledge,
to the Ultimate Goodness
that surpasses all our goodwill.
We gather today for ceremony and ritual,
for the most solemn celebration of the academy.
Here we will
remember our purpose as an institution of learning,
recall our ideals,
and rededicate ourselves to the pursuit
of all that is true, good, and beautiful.
May the Spirit of Wisdom and God
remind us of our grand vision,
which is nothing less than the transformation of the world
through the formation and education
of those who study here.
Today we rejoice in the successful preparation
of another class of graduates for this task,
and we honor them for their accomplishment.
May the same Spirit of Wisdom and Goodness
be with us today
as we repeat the centuries-old rituals of commencement.
We now beseech the Goodness at the heart of existence,
the Ultimate Reality who is finally nameless,
for a blessing for these our graduates -
a benediction , a good word spoken of them, and for them.
May a desire to Learn
be ever enkindled in their hearts,
and may they be humbled when they think
they have plumbed the depths of reality.
May a desire to Search
for truth, goodness, and beauty
lead them down the exquisitely winding ways of the road less traveled,
to drink from the streams of righteousness, peace, and justice,
and never be quenched.
May a desire to Serve
cause them to unblock their ears
and allow the cries of the poor and the vulnerable
to pierce them to the heart,
and impel them to give of themselves for the sake of others -
to live simply so that others may simply live.
May the poisonous dualism of black and white,
good and evil, us and them,
be purged from their hearts,
even as they are comforted
with the security needed to accept the complexity
May the energies of the universe that course through their veins now,
be not quashed by the quotidien routines of life after college.
May they be buoyed up by the vast ocean of beneficence,
which surrounds them today and always,
but which, like water to the fish, is seldom noticed.
May each one of them
know in the depths of their hearts
that he or she is worthy of benediction -
worthy of these good words spoken to them
in love
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Graduation 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Happy Spring!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Niagara Falls
We got to the falls around 4:30 and hung out for a while. We walked around a bit and decided go get some food while we wait for it to get dark. Do you know that we couldn't find a single, decent looking restaurant open in the entire area? We were on the American side, and it was probably 6:00 when we were looking for food. We even drove around the town looking and everything was closed. We gave up and went back to the falls. It was just getting dark enough for them to turn on the lights. We saw them turn it on and thought, "oh wow. That's it?" So while we were talking for about 20 minutes, the lights started to turn colors! That was pretty cool. We saw a lot of colors. We saw red, orange, green, blue, and purple. The lights stayed on each color for probably 10 minutes. In the meantime, there was a couple next to us who were really giggly and a little annoying. They were behind Nate, so I kept peeking over at them. One time when I peeked, the guy was down on one knee proposing! No wonder they were so giddy and happy. I waited a few minutes till the kissing stopped and the initial shock wore off. Then I went over to congratulate them and ask if they had a camera so I could take their picture. I was going to offer to take their picture and email it to them if they didn't have one, but the girl did. I've never seen anyone (besides Nate) propose before! I was getting a little teary-eyed myself. Here are some pictures of the falls. I won't post all the colors, but I'll post some. :)