I really like my dog, so I'm going to put up some bragging pictures about him. He's been so great. We've only had him for about 5 days, but I've grown to love him and I think he loves us. Nate does pretty good with him too, for not being an animal person. He always says hello to Pugsly when he comes home (and by hello, I mean he stops to pet him for a few minutes) and he brings his work outside with Pugsly on the porch when the weather is nice. Pugsly has gotten into this habit where he seems to think that we left him forever whenever we go anywhere or when we go to sleep. When he sees us again, he is sooooo happy that he doesn't know what to do with himself. He ends up jumping and running in circles, all the while trying to jump up on us as well. I took the camera when I left for a meeting earlier today and had it ready when I came home. Before I even opened the door, I heard Pugsly whimpering. Here's a short video of what greeted me when I opened the door. This is taken with me standing up looking down at him.
Here are some more random pictures of him:
Here you can see him enjoying our backyard. This is in the way back, so we haven't mowed it. He loves to hop through the tall grass like a rabbit and loves to chase squirrels. He could care less about the deer or the birds we have in the yard, but squirrels and chipmunks are on his list.
Sleeping beauty. I took this yesterday, but he always sleeps like this. You can even see him nuzzle up under his tail. It's really cute.
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