Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy Triduum!

This week is the most important week in a Christian's year. It celebrates the life and death and resurrection of Jesus, our Savior. As we enter into the most holy days of our year, the sacred Triduum, I wish everyone a blessed and meaningful celebrations. May the experiences of the Triduum this year bring you understanding of the sacrifice that was made for us and the joys of the Resurrection.

We will be celebrating on Saturday, by making Ukrainian Easter eggs. This will be my first experience delving into to this form of art and I could not be more excited! My thoughts are racing with patterns that I'd like to try. Looking up the meanings of all the symbols and patterns has filled my mind with so many ideas that I'd like to try. But, I will probably go with something really really basic since it's my first time doing this. After the Easter Mass on Sunday morning, it's off to brunch at a friends house in the early afternoon. If time allows, we may head over to another friends house for an early dinner, but I'm not sure if the timing will work out for that one.

Again, I hope you all have a wonderful Triduum and I look forward to hearing about your celebrations. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers this week!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Done, done, done!

He's done! My husband is completely done with school! He passed his oral comprehensive exams and now we're just waiting for graduation. In the next two months while we wait for the official ceremony he'll be looking for jobs. He's already got a couple of interviews lined up and I'm sure many more to come. I'm so excited to be moving out of the city, and I can't wait to figure out where that will be and to settle down some where.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Sick of the City

I'm so sick of this city. I'm ready to get out of here now. This morning on my way to work, I actually stayed awake on the bus. I was looking out the window as the bus rode alongside the railroad track embankment. This embankment was cleaned up a few months ago from trash, but already, there's more trash than there was before it was cleaned up. You can't look a few inches without seeing bottles, chips wrappers, or newspapers. It's disgusting! Any other place I have lived, nobody would put up with that. I even saw a guy last week drinking out of a paper cut and when he was done, he threw it in the road. There was probably a trash can less than 20 feet away because he was working outside an apartment complex.

The other day, I was on the subway platform waiting for the train. I was reading a book I just bought, and there were about 3 or 4 teenagers yelling really loud, just talking to each other. They were the type of people I wanted to stay away from, so I purposely got on a different car of the train. When the train stopped at a station, they got off and started yelling and laughing at somebody who was "different" in my car. They were arguing back and forth with this person. It was so frustrating, I just want to be in a normal place where everyone is happy and friendly.