Wednesday, June 11, 2008

New Home

I promise I'm trying to post more than once a month. I'll get better at it, I hope. So, we're out of that dreadful big city and into our new home in rural New York. How do I like it? So far it's good. It's so hard to say because we've spent the first two weeks unpacking and hardly anything else. We've got a LOT done. If only we can keep the unpacking messes to a minimum... The town is great. It's a small downtown that's actually pretty active. We went to a classical music concert last weekend and there were a lot of people there for the size of the town. It was really nice. They offer a lot of programs and festivals. We also found a special place already. It's an ice cream shop. Those are always good, but this one has Hershey's ice cream and it also sells tacos! Strange combination, but it works. :) Since it was so hot our second week, we went there a couple of times.

This week is a mixture of stuff. I'm visiting my sister and watching my nephew for the week. In between that, the two weekends are busy visiting other family for Father's Day and my niece's baptism. It's so great to be closer to home where we can just drive for the weekend if we wanted to. We're still waiting on our car though. I don't know how long it's going to take, but I'm predicting the end of July. I guess Toyota still can't keep up with the Prius demands.

Maybe next time, I'll post a picture of our new town. I'll have to get a good picture of something that's representative. I'll think about that one...

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