Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Niagara Falls

Happy Belated Valentines' Day!! Nate and I went to Niagara Falls for Valentines' Day last weekend. We were advised to stay till it got dark so that we can see when they light up the falls at night. We decided to span both daytime and night. I'll post some pictures, but first a video of the falls and the river to show the snow and ice. It's 3 videos spliced together, so if it jumps a little, that's why.
We got to the falls around 4:30 and hung out for a while. We walked around a bit and decided go get some food while we wait for it to get dark. Do you know that we couldn't find a single, decent looking restaurant open in the entire area? We were on the American side, and it was probably 6:00 when we were looking for food. We even drove around the town looking and everything was closed. We gave up and went back to the falls. It was just getting dark enough for them to turn on the lights. We saw them turn it on and thought, "oh wow. That's it?" So while we were talking for about 20 minutes, the lights started to turn colors! That was pretty cool. We saw a lot of colors. We saw red, orange, green, blue, and purple. The lights stayed on each color for probably 10 minutes. In the meantime, there was a couple next to us who were really giggly and a little annoying. They were behind Nate, so I kept peeking over at them. One time when I peeked, the guy was down on one knee proposing! No wonder they were so giddy and happy. I waited a few minutes till the kissing stopped and the initial shock wore off. Then I went over to congratulate them and ask if they had a camera so I could take their picture. I was going to offer to take their picture and email it to them if they didn't have one, but the girl did. I've never seen anyone (besides Nate) propose before! I was getting a little teary-eyed myself. Here are some pictures of the falls. I won't post all the colors, but I'll post some. :) 

This picture is obviously taken in the daytime, so you can see what you're looking at in the next couple pictures. You're looking at the American Falls here and way in the background are the Horseshoe Falls.
The first night time picture, before the colors started. The humpy stuff you see in the water, underneath the falls is ice and snow. I think it's from the mist and some of the water freezing and falling from the top of the falls.

Orange... this is actually the second color we saw. I like it better than the red.
Green, obviously.
Purple! We were actually leaving when this one came on and had to turn around to go see it. We couldn't leave without a picture of the purple one!

On another exciting note, Nate and I found out that we have another niece on the way! It's the first girl on Nate's side of the family. Do you think she'll be spoiled??? Congratulations to Tim and Becky!


Jules said...

I love love love that first picture at night (with no colored lights)!!!!! I think you should get that developed as a large picture and get it framed!

Amy said...

I agree with blowing a picture up...but as I am a lover of purple, I would have to say, go with that one!!! So pretty!