Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How am I feeling?

Lots of people have asked me lately how I'm feeling with regards to my pregnancy. I'm not really sure how to respond to that. My usual response is that I feel great. I've been so fortunate throughout this whole pregnancy to feel pretty good and not have any major problems. I didn't have any morning sickness in my first trimester, I was just tired for a few weeks. I'm about 35 weeks now so that means I have 5 weeks left. I'm still fairly energetic and not super tired. So far the only thing the 3rd trimester has brought me, besides a bigger belly, is being a little bit short of breath at times. It all started the week or 2 that was really hot and humid here, but it hasn't let up since. That's when I know I need to slow down or do something different. I'm not huge, though you can surely tell I'm pregnant now. I've been hovering around the 10 pound mark for a couple of weeks now, in terms of weight gain. But, my doctor is not concerned because the baby is measuring right on schedule.

I'm still working, somewhat. I've been a substitute for the daycare on campus (and its after school program) for about a year now. The work ebbs and flows. I've worked every day for the last 2 weeks, but there will also be times that I won't work for 2 months at a time. I'm talking to them on a week-to-week basis to see if I'm able to keep working. So far, I'm doing pretty good. It hasn't been too bad working at a day care since a lot of the time is spent on the floor playing with the kids or just watching them while they play outside (which can be done from a seated position). The hardest time is nap time. We help the kids fall asleep by laying on the floor next to their cots. Sometimes we'll rub their backs or their heads, depending on if they need calming down or not. But my problem is laying on the hard floor. And it's hard to get up off the ground when you're laying on an uncomfortable floor to begin with, but add a pregnant belly to that one. Thankfully I can take my time and do it slow since the kids are all asleep anyway.

I do have to say that I've been getting pretty nervous about labor and delivery. I've talked to several people who have had babies lately, and that has helped a lot. I've been gathering as much information as I can, which has helped calm me. I don't know what it is that's making me so nervous, but my guess is just the unknown of how it's all going to play out. I'm not nervous about the pain because I don't have any issue with getting an epidural if I need it. If I end up
needing a c-section, I'm cool with that too. I think I just want to be in control and know what's going to happen and when. I've toured the maternity ward of the hospital twice, so at least I know a little bit more about that.

The baby's room is not done yet. In fact, we're still cleaning it out from being a spare bedroom. I know, I know, we need to get moving. I'm fully aware of that. We've both been so busy with the beginning of the school year, working a lot, and traveling for one reason or another. Now that work is slowing down a bit for me, at least for this week, I plan on spending a lot of time in there. I can't wait to see what the final product will look like. I'm excited to see the crib set up with everything else too. My sister-in-law made window treatments, a crib skirt, and some wall decor, so I'm really excited to see those up in the room. I guess that will be my motivation to clean it out this week.

I should also post some updated pictures. I've been posting them on Facebook, but I keep forgetting to post them here. Here are some belly pictures from week 34. You can see how much bigger I got.

Sorry for not smiling in the second picture. It's hard to smile when you're taking a picture of yourself. I've been using the timer function on the camera and often have to take several pictures before I get one where my head isn't cut off or I'm turned the wrong way. These are some of the better ones, but sometimes I get really frustrated before I'm done. I'll try to post more pictures as I go along, but maybe the next pictures will be of the baby.

I may not have mentioned this, but we do not know the sex of the baby. We are waiting till he/she is born to find out. Most people I have encountered have actually said something like "Good for you!" when I tell them we are waiting. Only a few people, including some family members are surprised and impatient to find out. But like Nate said in the beginning: life doesn't give you many surprises, but this is one that we can keep as a surprise.

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