Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September 11th

Today being the anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks, I can't not write some thoughts about it.  Six years ago today, life in the US was good. People were going on their daily life not knowing what was coming that morning. I was in bed, living on the West Coast and totally oblivious to the fact that life was going on around me. My parents had decided to take a trip on Amtrak to New York City. I heard from my parents on Saturday, that they had made it to the city and were having a great time. A phone call around 6:15 on Tuesday morning from my sister woke up me and my husband. He got up to answer it and came back to tell me that it was my sister. Somebody had flown a plane into the World Trade Center in New York City. I was shocked, but a few seconds later, it hit me: my parents, they're in New York! He said my sister hadn't heard from them yet. I now realize that we didn't know the extent of what was happening at this point. We didn't know there were 2 planes and both buildings would crumble. The reality of my parents being in the city and not knowing their fate hit me and I started crying. My husband suggested I get up and shower, and he was going to get ready for work. I didn't want to go because I didn't want to miss any phone calls, no matter what the outcome. He told me he would wait till I got out of the shower to get ready. In the shower, I cried more. He came into the bathroom halfway through my shower to tell me that my sister had called. My stomach shot into my throat; good news or bad news? Thankfully, good news. My parents had called my sister's house and left a message that they were okay and were going shopping. They had not realized the extent of what was going on either.

I was not working at the time, so I spent the rest of the day glued to the TV, watching as news unfolded and events started falling into place. The country was starting to learn what happened and who was behind it. Why is it when bad things happen, you can't tear yourself away from the news, even though it hurts more to watch it?

I'm not a very patriotic person. I don't cheer "yea for the US" or "God bless America". I think more of God bless everyone. But today, I can't help but pull together with all the people of America and the other countries who are affected and ask God for strength and hope to get through tough times like today. Life is tough, people are often heartless or misguided. Help us to do our part to be strength to others and be an example of peace and love to the world. I truly believe that everyone can make a change in this world, however big or small.  Ever read the book "Pay It Forward" or see the movie? Excellent concept! When someone does something extraordinary for you, don't pay it back, pay it forward. That's how we can make a difference.

I recently met someone from the Philippines who plays guitar and sings. She just moved to the US to go to school, in the past month. So she was not physically close to the terrorist attacks 6 years ago. However, from the other side of the earth, she was affected nonetheless. Ten minutes after meeting her, she sang a song she had written after that horrible day. It was a beautiful prayer tobring to God and to us. It was unbelieveably touching to know that someone 
who was so far away and so uninvolved, could be so affected by the events of the day. God bless her and fears.

And now my prayer for today: Loving God, source of hope and love, give us the strength to love and support those people who are hurting today. Many people lost loved ones. Be with those people on the anniversary of the day when their lives changed forever. Give them courage to carry on without the physical presence of those they lost. Other people were deeply affected, even if they did not directly lose a family member, friend, or acquaintance. Their lives were changed forever as well. Heal our hearts. Help us to ease the fears we live with now and turn those feelings into hope and peace in our world. 

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